Month: March 2021

Month: March 2021

Category : Uncategorized

Writing a dissertation or thesis is challenging. There is no way you can write without knowing the correct format to follow. You have to ensure that you take the paper seriously because it is your ticket to graduate. There is no way you can graduate school with a shitty dissertation or thesis paper. There is a format that can help you write my thesis online of an excellent quality.

Step1: Guidelines

If, in any way, you are thinking of getting a good grade on your paper, you have to take the instructions seriously. There is nothing you will be doing if you begin writing without reading the guidelines. You have to read the guidelines and ensure that you understand them before you do anything else. You have to follow all of them without fail for your paper to be considered excellent.

Step2: Format

You have to know the correct way to present your work. Use the font that gets required of you without changing anything. If you fail to use the exact font, you will be lying to yourself. You have to use the proper margin of not more or less than 1.5 inches. You have to ensure that you arrange your paragraphs well and space them correctly so that your work can appear neat.

Step3: Spelling Checker

If you ever make a mistake of submitting your work with wrong spelling mistakes, you will get negative reviews and will have to repeat everything all over again. There is no need to spend time writing a paper then fail to correct your mistakes. After you get done with writing, check your spelling by using a spelling checker. If you are not comfortable with that, you can always use your dictionary. During the writing process, the dictionary will have to be your friend.

Step4: Inquire

If you have any questions, do not wait until it is too late for you to ask. After reading the guidelines and notice there is a part you do not understand, take your time and ask around so that you are sure of what you are doing. If you hesitate and start writing before you ask, you will be lying to yourself.

Step 5: Heading

There is no way you can write your heading the same way you write your paragraph. There has to be a difference so that the reader can understand your work without struggling. There are different styles you can use to make your headings better.

Step 6: Table of Contents

There is no way you can write the table of contents alone. Do not even think about it because you will miss your work. Word has everything that you will need and a table of contents among them. If, in any case, you do not know how to go about it, you can always ask.

Step7: Bibliography

You have to know the right way of writing your bibliography. It has to get single-spaced, and there should also be a blank line between the entries. For you to stay on the right track here, ensure you try using MS word. Your work will get appropriately arranged, and every entry will be in the right place.

Month: March 2021

Category : Uncategorized

There are many articles online that can help you write a revamped academic paper. To avoid theft of other people’s ideas and thoughts, you need to make your writing as authentic as it can. A good writer knows how to avoid plagiarism. Here are some tips to be accurate.


When you’ve done your research and found the most suitable sources that you can apply in your paper, start by writing a draft that entails what you have read using your words. It is imperative not to lift the precise phrases as you see them in the original copy. Ensure that you do not incorporate more than two terms of the author in a line. The process will take your time, but as a researcher, you should rephrase the words. If you intend to quote the authors, you can incorporate their sentences using quotation marks.


The best and probably the most straightforward way the word plagiarism in your paper is to cite your sources correctly. Ensure that you pay attention to the guidelines that uplift formatting in writing styles, including APA, Harvard, MLA, and Chicago since they are the most used writing styles in most Institutions.


If you decide to quote a writer, avoid making any changes to the original copy. Ensure you utilize the ideas of the author verbatim. It will be very awkward and disappointing to misquote other people’s opinions or thoughts instead of paraphrasing them. As you write, ensure that you meet your institution’s demands since several universities turn down many quotes that are more than forty words.

Citation of your ideas

You should ensure that your ideas are authentic. In case you might have used some of their words or thoughts in your previous academic research papers, and you probably want to utilize them again since they are related to the topic you are writing on, you must ensure that you cite yourself. The idea of naming yourself may sound a bit off or weird, but since you have already done your work in the previous paper, you should ensure that you quote or cite your thoughts in a similar way you do to any other writer or author. If you utilize your previous ideas without any citations, you will plagiarize yourself.

Write reference page

You may write an outstanding paper that doesn’t have any plagiarized content, but you should remember to include a reference page at your article’s ending. After citing all the sources, you used, ensure that you check with your University if you have followed the ruleset. Different schools have got other formatting guidelines, and every institution sticks to its preferred one. Most of the formatting procedures will have you write the author’s name, the publication date, the title, and the source of information.

Utilize plagiarism checkers

Assume probably come to the end of your paper, the next thing you should do is edit and check for any form or instances of plagiarism. After you corrected earlier grammar and mistakes about the style of writing, use a plagiarism checker to detect any condition that may be in any sentence. Ensure that you retrieve a percentage of the plagiarism score since that will help you improve your paper. after doing all that, go through your article one more time to ensure that you have adhered to your University’s rules and then submit it.

Month: March 2021

Category : Uncategorized

A Senior Thesis is the capstone of your undergraduate career. That doesn’t mean it’s the last paper you will ever write, but it does mean that you should make every effort to produce your best work for this project. Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially if you have never done anything like it before. This section will provide you with some basic guidelines to help ensure your success.

You must invest time at the beginning of your project to manage and organize your information. As you do this, please keep in mind that your thesis is an original work of scholarship and maybe one of the most important things you will ever write. It is important to both yourself and to the University community that you present yourself professionally. As an academic document, your paper must adhere to academic standards, as well as be intelligible to your readers.

Here are the major elements:

Thesis Topic

Choose a subject that interests you, and find an advisor who has some expertise in your area of interest.

Be bold in your choices. Don’t be afraid to select a topic that may seem “out there” or controversial. Good Theses often develop their own momentum and can lead to significant debate or challenge other prevailing theories or opinions.

Be specific! Don’t think about what you are going to say, but let it come through you naturally. Your mission is to give it meaning, not to think or talk about it.

You may say: “This topic is important because …”

Why it attracted you? Why did you choose this particular topic? Or what motivated you to choose it over other things you could have chosen? You may simply explain how the idea developed or how it came to your attention. You may also introduce any particularly interesting aspects of the work, for example, something that especially excited or intrigued you.

A Good Research Question

It is important to come up with a good research question early on. It helps you determine what information you need to find and how to organize that material. Some key characteristics your question should have are:

Clearly stated – Makes a clear statement about the issue at hand

  • Makes a clear statement about the issue at hand Testable – Your research question can be answered in an empirical way – yes, no, or with some definitive number/percentage.
  • Your research question can be answered in an empirical way – yes, no, or with some definitive number/percentage. It focuses on the main issue

It is relevant to your paper and complements other aspects of your topic

There are lots of research questions that could underlie a Senior Thesis: development of specific skills, critical thinking, independent study, and broad scholarly inquiry.

Literature Review

In this part of the thesis, you will evaluate the available literature on your topic. You will show what is known about your topic and why it is important. This evaluation should be broad in scope, demonstrating to the reader that you understand not only the basic literature on your topic but also the most recent work (and for that matter, all prior work). In addition, you should be able to show how your research builds on and extends prior work.

Building a Literature Review is not just about finding facts. It requires an in-depth understanding of the history and evolution of the topic. You should also prepare to take a critical stance towards the sources you will find. A Literature Review can be organized chronologically, by topic, or by author. This section is usually the most time-consuming because you must do additional research to find sources that support your thesis (and avoid those that don’t).

Include only those elements of the literature that are relevant to your topic or that provide insight into the reasons for exploring your topic in particular. Other things to consider include: How do the prior works answer each other (e.g. in the case of conflicting findings). How do these prior works differ from your approach or from each other? How does your approach differ from past approaches?

Evidence and Analysis

In this section, you have the opportunity to reveal your analysis of the material you found in your research, as well as your interpretations of that material. As a writer, you are analyzing and processing the information for someone else’s consumption. Your thesis is not about you; it is about the issue or idea that interests you. Therefore, please do not include personal commentary or opinions in your thesis; such comments should be reserved for a third-person essay.

Your supporting evidence should be clearly presented in a logical fashion and organized into well-defined categories.


Ending on a high note. Your conclusion should bring your thesis full circle. It should summarize the most important points or ideas you have presented. It should also reiterate any conclusions you may have drawn from your research, and state how extending your investigation might strengthen, refute, or otherwise modify past findings.